~an epic fantasy romance~
The Enchanted Bookstore Legends are about Lyra McCauley, a woman destined to become one of five strong women in her family who possess unique magical abilities and serve as Scribes in Dragonspeir. The Scribes span a long history, dating from 1,200 to present day. Each Scribe is expected to journey through Dragonspeir, both the good and evil factions, then draft a written account. Each book contains magic with vast implications.
Lyra was first introduced to Dragonspeir as a young girl, when she met the high sorcerer, Cullen Drake, through a gift of one of those enchanted books. Using its magic, he escorted her into the parallel world of Dragonspeir. Years later, she lost that volume and forgot the world and Cullen. These legends begin where he finds her again—she is thirty-five, standing in his enchanted bookstore, and Dragonspeir needs her.
When Lyra reopens that enchanted book, she confronts a series of quests where she is expected to save the good Alliance from destruction by the evil Black Dragon. While learning about her role, Lyra and Cullen fall in love. He is 220 years old and kept alive by Dragonspeir magic. Cullen will die if Dragonspeir is taken over by the evil faction…Lyra becomes the Scribe.
The Enchanted Bookstore Legends series is available as a box set.
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Seeking a Scribe: Enchanted Bookstore Legend One
Lyra McCauley is a writer and loves fantasy novels, but until she opens a selection from bookstore owner Cullen Drake, she has no idea he’s a wizard character who lives a double life inside that volume…or the story’s magic will compel her from the edge of depression to adventure, danger, and love.
His gift to Lyra, the Book of Dragonspeir, was actually her copy, misplaced years ago. Lost in her pain following divorce and death, she fails to recognize him as her childhood playmate from the fantasyland. Friendship builds anew. Attraction sparks. But Lyra doubts whether a wizard is capable of love. She’s torn—should she protect her fragile heart or risk new love?
Opening the book’s cover, she confronts a quest: save Dragonspeir from destruction by the Black Dragon before he utilizes power of August’s red moon to expand his strength and overthrow the opposing Imperial Dragon. Lyra accepts the challenge, fearing Cullen will perish if evil wins. Along with magical animal guides, Cullen helps her through many perils, but ultimately Lyra must use her own power…and time is running out.
Amazon Best Seller ~ #9 in Epic Fantasy ~ #7 in Fantasy, Futuristic & Ghost Romance
"5 stars...This book is full of enchantment and magic…The Black Dragon is one scary character! I kept thinking to myself "Don't go in there!" during one of the scenes. The atmosphere that Marsha Moore has created, both dark and light, is very perceptible and palpable. I could easily "see" this story playing out in my head. I don't know why, but it was like an animated movie in there! Go figure! I am now looking forward to reading the next book in the series…” ~Lynn Worton
Click here to read more recommendations for Seeking a Scribe.
Heritage Avenged: Enchanted Bookstore Legend Two
Lyra McCauley receives an alarming letter from the coroner who evaluated her deceased aunt, originally thought to have died of cancer. The news causes Lyra to take leave from her job and travel from sunny Tampa to the frozen island community in northern Michigan. Questioning whether Dragonspeir magic was responsible for her aunt’s death, she resolves to learn the truth and accepts the Imperial Dragon’s appointment into the Alliance sorcery training.
Additionally, becoming proficient in magic craft is the only way she can bridge the gap between her mortal human world and her lover’s. Cullen, a 220-year-old wizard, is dependent upon his Dragonspeir magic for immortality. He is her only family now; she cannot lose him.
Evil forces block her and try to steal her inherited scribal aura. Riding a stealth dragon, a cloaked rider pursues Lyra. Both the Alliance and Dark Realm alchemists lay tricks and traps. Her aura equals that of the first and most powerful Scribe, but will Lyra’s novice training allow her to discover the truth…and find a life with Cullen? Or will the Dark Realm keep them apart?
Amazon Best Seller ~ Fantasy, Futuristic & Ghost Romance
“I have to admit to being a sucker for Dragon books. I love dragons and magic. I love that the animals (dragons, unicorns, owl, etc) are fully realized individual entities in this book. A romance with adventure, a quest, a unicorn, dragons, and a happy ending is just what I needed today.
Marsha Moore has created a unique, fascinating world that I would love to visit… okay maybe after all the fighting is done, but visit nonetheless. The character, human and otherwise, have individual personality trait with their own idiosyncrasy. It was fun to see them interact and develop as the story progressed.” ~Mindy at Books, Books, Books
Click here to read more recommendations for Heritage Avenged.
Lost Volumes: Enchanted Bookstore Legend Three
When Lyra McCauley learns residents of Dragonspeir’s Alliance are suffering with a deadly plague, she doesn’t heed the warnings of her fiancé, wizard Cullen Drake, to remain safe in her human world. After all, she’s the present Scribe—one of five strong women in her ancestry who possessed unique magic, each destined to protect the Alliance against the evil Black Dragon of the Dark Realm. With Cullen dependent upon Alliance power to maintain his immortality, the stakes are doubled for Lyra.
She leaves her college teaching and puts herself at risk for the community afflicted by black magic. To find a cure, she and Cullen travel into the vile, lawless underworld of Terza to strike a bargain with an expert. Their efforts further enrage the Black Dragon, vowing to decimate the Alliance and avenge the murder of his heir.
Lyra must secure the three lost volumes of the Book of Dragonspeir. Written by the three earliest Scribes, each book contains energy. Possession of the entire set will enable overthrow of the Dark Realm. Following clues into dangerous lands, Lyra and Cullen seek those volumes. His assistants, Kenzo the tiger owl and Noba the pseudodragon, prove invaluable aids. Only if they succeed, will the Alliance be safe and Lyra reach closer to the immortality she needs to live a life with Cullen.
"5 Stars...Marsha A. Moore has again exceeded my expectations with her 3rd in the Enchanted Bookstore Legends series. "Lost Volumes" kept me on the edge of my seat, made me chuckle and occasionally tear up. Her characters are developing more deeply and I just love going on their adventures with them. Moore's writing style brings me right into the action. I like the balance of power shifting back & forth a little bit between Lyra & Cullen ... When one is weak, the other is stronger...A nice symbiotic relationship! I really feel like I know these characters and am sharing their adventures & emotions. Am sooo enjoying these books." ~rtlmt
"4. 5 stars ~ Dragons, magic, love, a quest, fighting... all my favorite things in one book. How can you not love that? All it needed to be perfect was shifters and the Fae... although I really don't think they would work well with this story, which was fabulous as is.
"Lost Volumes" is the third book in the series. The whole series is a great read, and I really don't think I could pick a favorite book... although this one came close." ~Mindy Wall from Books, Books, and More Books
"Don't miss out on this series! Wonderful characters, creative and interesting worlds and action will keep you turning the pages as you live the stories written by this fabulous author." ~Beverly at The Wormhole
"After reading the first two books of this series, I couldn't wait for the next. It didn't disappoint. Lyra goes to a few different worlds to find the lost volumes of Dragonspier. Each world is as magical and mystical as the last. I dropped completely out of the real world and got lost in Lyra's. I recommend you do too. I'm looking forward to Lyra's next adventure in book four." ~LoriDR
Staurolite: Enchanted Bookstore Legend Four
Lyra McCauley, current Scribe of the Alliance, is the only one who can decode magic hidden in the recently retrieved ancient texts written by her ancestors, the first four Scribes. Information in those writings can help Lyra locate the four missing keystones, which will restore power to the Alliance and allow overthrow of the Dark Realm. With peace restored, she and her beloved, Cullen, could finally marry.
Time is short with the Black Dragon’s Dark Realm increasing attacks to avenge the death of his heir. Many innocent lives are lost. Alliance residents are forced into hiding. Magicals and blue dragons follow leadership of the Imperial Dragon and the other three Guardians into battle to defend the Alliance.
While Lyra unlocks the ancient magic, she opens herself up to scribal powers from her ancestors. She alone can fight the deadliest of the Dark Realm’s forces—the cimafa stealth dragons—but at a cost. The energy flux threatens her health and ability to learn where to find the missing keystones. Can Lyra overcome this shrewd tactic of the Black Dragon to decimate the Alliance?
"5 stars - As the leading lady of The Enchanted Bookstore Legends continues to grow, so grows the author, Marsha A. Moore! The perfect mixture of adventure, romance, humor and intrigue told to us in an attention-grabbing manner with a touch of whimsy (thanks to Kenzo). Book Four, Staurolite, explains to the reader what the previous Scribes of Dragonspier learned and accomplished: The lessons recorded in their Books of Dragonspier help to strengthen Lyra, not only in her knowledge and commitment to the Alliance but also in her power. And, with a new twist, Moore left me hanging this time...not her usual ending. Can't wait to see what's coming in Legend Five." ~rtlmt
Quintessence: Enchanted Bookstore Legend Five (the final volume)
Barbaric Dark Realm warfare threatens to overtake all Dragonspeir lands, including the Alliance. Lyra McCauley, the fifth Scribe of the Alliance, finds herself in a desperate competition to gather four missing keystones. Those amulets of the four natural elements guarantee victory for the side possessing them. The Dark Realm’s alchemist, Eburscon, beats her to finding the water gem, the Pearl of Pendola. Three more keystones remain: the fluorite containing earth energy, the moonstone of the sky, and the fiery, dangerous Emtori Ruby.
The powerful gems, stolen centuries ago, channel astral energies and can restore much-needed Alliance power—the last hope. The wizard, Cullen, who is Lyra’s beloved, relies on Alliance magic for his immortality and will perish if the land falls to the Dark Realm.
Lyra uses her rare magical energies of quintessence and the Staurolite, governor of the four natural elements, to guide her to the hidden keystones. However, greed and power drive opponents, who challenge her in close pursuit, planning to destroy the Alliance, or to claim the power of quintessence for themselves.
The Dark Realm captures the ten-year-old Alliance seer, Kessa. Her abilities can give them information about the locations of the keystones, complicating Lyra’s plans. Will her love, allegiance, and quintessence allow her to save Cullen, Kessa, and the Alliance before the Dark Realm claims all of Dragonspeir?
"5 Stars--I absolutely love this series. This book was such a beautiful wrap up to the previous ones. I could read about Dragonspeir endlessly. It was hard to tear myself away from the pages even for a minute!" ~Tarran Parsons, Amazon reviewer
"An exciting ending! Continuing where the last book left off, we dive right back into Lyra's adventures and are taken to unexpected places. This may be an ending to a series, but the level of action and suspense kept the pages turning and I was excited all the way through. Filled with moments of triumph, loss, love, and family, this story touched me and moved me to tears a few times. A beautiful wrap up with some unexpected twists. Five star read, for sure!” ~Maggie J., Amazon reviewer
"Intricate characters and magic aside, this is a great story and builds towards an exciting battle with (you guessed it) lots of awesome dragons." ~Kasper Beamont